
New technologies changed the way of creativite environment & Services.

Hi all, cannot believe it`s already an end of this month. I bet for people whom facing cut-off period just started enjoying the new year, as well as trying to settle up all the plans for this year. And for other business owners whom facing a cut-off periods should have been busy closing up !!

When I decided to start this blog, I decided few things in my mind. As a key objective of this blog should be “something valuable” for readers that stopped and check this blog. So I try to input as much as resources and data’s for your references as well. Since I`m a self starter, freelancer, and employeed business person. I wanted to highly summerize the GAP between what we see on the media v.s what`s really like to be here in Japan.

Today`s topic is, as I already mentioned in the title “New technologies changed the way of creativite environment & Services.” 

Yes, this is it. I started feeling that how to utilize our capabilities are becaming more important as stablizing our services & outputs.

I’ve been a freelance graphic designer & photographer for a decade by now. These creative activities have slightly embarked and given me the opportunities to maintain as what I do today. It’s been an interesting journey while being employed in non-creative occupations as well.

Before the SNS expantions & all iphone, gadets, techologies, and IoT was implemented, all those my creative outputs and services were provided mainly within networks that I belong to. I must say, it was OK with it. By maintainning networks and friendships, I can say I could have survived to reach into today.

In the year of 2025, I see the creative environment has drastically changed compared to when I started these services. We now have access to many types of apps and services to choose from. Services have transformed from ad-hoc to subscriptions, and most major services have become online-based.

It’s an exciting world that we live in now. But for creators and designers, it has impacted the way we promote ourselves. We can no longer be just one thing, or one spot to maintain the services I provide. Demand changed as well, now the demand is 360-sales activations.At least our customers see that ways.

Who can keep up with it? And there is major regulation changes for self employment environment in the 2023 (I’m willing to cover this topic in different post, so pls stay tuned), basically. Our government started taking taxes from all business owners. There is no more under table incomes…it’s a critical for small shops and freelancers like me.

Anyways, That’s the world we face today. It’s also ironic to see many media contents describe the irony of what we have become with “SNS” , a SNS dominated by the contents makers & buzz players. We are influenced by something that we don’t really belong to. That’s fact.

Then here I am,

I now really focusing on what I do. Selecing my own specialities are fully demanded to be selected in specific commodities or segments to maintain the service I provide. Those movements are also effects against small businesses owners or freelancer like me. We must STAR thinking differently.

That’s the kind of world we live in now.

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